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Bart Vandenberghe

Bart Vandenberghe D.D.S., PhD.


Bart Vandenberghe obtained his degree of dentistry (2005), his master in medical imaging (2007) and PhD (2010) at the University of Leuven, Belgium. His doctoral research focused on digitalization of 2D and 3D imaging modalities, and their influence on periodontal diagnosis. He has spent three years in the United States of America as research scholar at Temple University in Philadelphia (2005-2006) and at Tufts University in Boston (2007), to continue his academic research training. Shortly after, he was recruited by the University of Maryland, where he spent more than a year (2007-2008) in the department of Diagnostic Sciences and Pathology as Visiting Assistant Professor. He was course director of Radiology for the first year dental and dental hygiene students and was responsible for the advanced imaging lectures in Implantology. He has published several scientific papers and is still working on many research projects (national and international collaborations) with a specific focus on digitalization, 3D modalities and advanced planning/treatment/follow-up methods, which also shows his passion for the overlap of oral imaging and restorative dentistry. Bart Vandenberghe was finalist for the Research Award of the International Dentomaxillofacial Radiology Association in 2007 in Beijing, China, and is reviewer for several international journals. Besides his academic endeavors, he organized a first dental mission for the Tierra Bomba Organization in 2007, where he provided dental care and dental preventive education at the local school on the island of Tierra Bomba, Colombia. Currently, he finalized a research grant in 3D Cone Beam imaging at the K.U.Leuven, is working part-time as a scientific collaborator at the department of Prosthetic Dentistry and starting up a private training center in Oral Imaging.





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